We exist to empower, love, strengthen, recognize,
and honor Kingdom Expanders
Our Latest Meeting:

Who We Are:
We exist to equip and empower believers to fulfill their purpose and Christ’s commission to make disciples of all nations. This involves apostolic and prophetic oversight, sincere love of the brethren, strengthening one another, and the recognition and honoring of all the God-ordained ministers and ministries. We are intentionally multi-cultural, multi-generational, and multi-national with the ultimate goal of the expansion of the Kingdom of God in the earth.

Our History:
ARM was founded in 1994 by Charles “Chuck” Clayton, whose burden was to Establish Relationships that Build People. Since his passing in 2011, the work is being continued under the joint leadership of Bob Hauselman (senior leader) and Dan Dyer. This same burden is being carried forward and amplified through the present leadership. With an eye on the great commission, our new tag line reflects a fuller vision: Establishing Relationships that Build the Kingdom of God.

Our Leadership Team:
Apostolic Resource Ministries is and always has been about the gifts of God that He places in people. We believe that the Resources of ARM are the gifts He gives in and through His people. Leadership is one of those gifts. We have transitioned from a single person leader model to a team concept that is multi-generational and carries different giftings. Meet our team…

Apostle Bob Hauselman was the founder of Restoration Christian Church in Sellersburg, Indiana. (Now known as Kingdom Life Church) After graduating from the University of Evansville in 1970 with a B.S. in Business Administration, he worked in the corporate world for 5 years. In 1974 the Lord called Bob to full-time pastoral ministry and a church was birthed in 1975.
After serving under his apostle and mentor, Apostle Chuck Clayton, for over 30 years, Bob became the president and senior apostle of Apostolic Resource Ministries with the passing of Apostle Chuck in 2011. Since that time, he has been busy with the national and international oversight of churches and ministries.
Bob married his high school sweetheart, Sara, who presently serves as the administrator of Rock Creek Community Academy. During their life together, the Lord has blessed them with 3 daughters [all married and all work at the school] and 8 wonderful grandchildren.

The Lord Jesus called Apostle Dan Dyer from his old life into a life of commitment and service to Him when he was 24 years old. For a number of years he was mentored by his pastor, Marion Cazel, who poured his life into his spiritual son. Bro. Cazel was on his way to Dugger, Indiana when he passed away. It was then that the Lord call Dan to pioneer a church, Whosoever Will Full Gospel Church, in 1999.
The next year, Dan was introduced to Apostle Chuck Clayton and the ARM family. Since that time, the Lord has greatly blessed Dan and the church. He now serves as vice president of Apostolic Resources Ministries. He is the founder of Apex Christian Alliance and a Board Member of ICON. He has faithfully ministered in the local church, prisons, overseas missions, and many places in the U.S. and Canada.
Dan is happily married to his wife, Melanie and the Lord has blessed them with two daughters.

When people ask who we are, it's kind of a difficult question! It would be the same as trying to describe a landmark! We can share our experience of it, but to really experience the landmark and what it looked like, but for you to really get it, you have to go there yourself! Below are two messages by Apostle Bob & Dan that attempt to share who we are. But to get to really know us, come and see!

11515 Highway 31 Sellersburg, IN 47172
Phone: 812-246-2776
Fax: 812-748-0086